速報APP / 生產應用 / Personal Data Wallet

Personal Data Wallet





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



Personal Data Wallet(圖1)-速報App

Personal Data Wallet securely stores and manages your passwords, bank accounts, credit card, passport,

registration codes, notes and more. All information is encrypted using AES-256 bits.

Note: Personal Data Wallet company does not keep or use your master

password or any other personal information.


☆ Supports more than 13,000 different devices, including smart-phones, tablets and more (Android based).

Personal Data Wallet(圖2)-速報App

☆ Dropbox Cloud - sync, import, export your database easily.

☆ Backup / Restore to SD-Card on device easily.

☆ Managing multiple databases.

☆ Password Manager - Manage your passwords, generating strong passwords.

☆ Searching for accounts description.

☆ Easily launching to your web accounts, and more.

Personal Data Wallet(圖3)-速報App

☆ Adding any file to any account.

☆ Keeping your database up to date.

☆ Localization Translation - English. more languages coming soon


☆ Database is encrypted using AES-256 bits.

☆ Automatically Log Out after 5 minutes of inactivity or anytime you set in the settings page.

Personal Data Wallet(圖4)-速報App

☆ Keep in mind, if you forget your Master Password there is no way to open your database.

Database is stored on your local device.


☆ Read and Write required for Backup, Restore

☆ Internet required for Dropbox Sync / Import

Managing your "Personal Wallet" in the Phone / Tablet. Keeping your personal data encrypted.

Personal Data Wallet(圖5)-速報App

Synchronize your database with Dropbox Cloud.

Easily copy and using data fields.

Connecting via different devices, and much more.

Personal Data Wallet(圖6)-速報App